Some Irks

(“I feel better now”)   

Forgive me, gentle reader, if you thought I was referring to you. Clearly not, although I suspect you know people who are guilty of these irksome transgressions.

People whose horses won’t stand still at the mounting block

Those damn flat sided circles

Riders who don’t know where the quarter line is and just ride 6 feet off the track

Riders who don’t know the etiquette rules when multiple people are schooling in the same arena

Riders who let their horses stop in the middle of an exercise to poop

Riders who let their horses disappear out from under them in downward transitions and not ride the horse through from behind

Riders who only practice what their horses are good at and don’t work on problem areas

Riders who drill endlessly and especially ones who don’t give their horses breaks in their work or opportunities to stretch down

That’s my Irksocism for the day. I feel better now.