Scores and rampant successes:
Lindy Brounley with Jockamo , 71 and 67 percents at STRIDE coming out at Training Level.
Vicky Trainer on Angelina. Her first score towards her Gold Medal at Clarcona
Former student, Nita Sanfilippo now in Illinois, on her wonderful Advanced Level eventing TB, Bully, the last score for her Silver Medal (and she won the class.)
Danielle Ammeson with Casino Royale
The story of his recovery from a life-threatening injury
Now competing Second Level and just completed her first Third Level1 with a 66%.
Cara Blanchard Kilbourne a 62+% in the Arabian Region 12 Championships with Steele, winning the Int II. Later in the week also winning the Grand Prix with a similar 62+% score.
Amy Chenard on Bo
(Below) Vicky Trainer and Angelina ,a near 67% in the PSG at Silver Sands
(Below) Dana Jo Fitch on Felix, four score in the upper 60s to 70% in Level 5 at the WDAA Halloween show at Ocala. Her partner in crime, Holly Spence Greene, scoring mid 60s in Level 1.
Most especially, A cool bit of news: my friend and student Dana Jo scored a 66+% in I-1 at Canterbury this September to complete the requirements for her USDF Gold Medal. Big congratulations!
Below: Susan Petrillo on her new acquisition, Desi, a 14 year old PRE imported from Espagna.
(Below) Kennedy Hawkins on Amy Yount Tittle’s Xerxes
Kim Porter with Thunder at the CDE in July 2019
At the Orleton Pleasure Driving Show, Fame with Kim and Thunder won the blue in the Carriage Dog class
(Above) Debbie Hubbard (MO) on Sleipnir and below Debbie on Teddy
Darlele Eakle
on Annie Boo
Below: Jill Barrera on her Notting Hill (Maks).
Below: Fran Harris schooling in the cones on Zylana and then on Luxembourg. Third photo is new addition, Piper.
Gail Redinger (above) on Forman. 70% in the GP. Recently she won ALL her classes on ALL FOUR horses she took to the show at Spokane. Sadly, Forman succumbed to a severe colic this July and had to be put down. Our very deepest condolences to Gail. RIP
(The late) Liz Hirschland on Rim, a victim of ALS
Bill long reining Sheila Gibson’s Delsi
Betty Brown on Tijo .
Deb Glover on Storm, an 11 year old ottb mare
Gloriana Herrera, my top CR student, with Vampiro. Click for brief vid. (Clearer on small screen than laptop size). At the last CDI of the 2019 Spring season at Wellington they scored 67% in the GP Special even after a 2% deduction for an error of curse.
Below: Chris Cox on her Trakehner gelding
Lauren Deneve on her mother’s Elmo, 63% in 3rd I. On Forrest a -22 in Novice HT at Rocking Horse. At Majestic Oaks in Nov, 3rd in the Novice Division, finishing on her -26.4 dressage score, 0.2 points out of 1st.
Jody Harwood on Dell, her new horse, scoring big at WEC with three 65+ scores in Third3 and Fourth 1.
Linus with Isabelle Carlile.
(Above) The lovely Elizabeth Woods on Loretta Lucas’s Bravo, recently leased to us to allow E to expand her riding knowledge and experience. In April they achieved the rest of the scores for her Bronze Medal.
Second photo , second bay is Canada King working on a new career after competing in CDEs at the 2**Level.
Bill on King
Special memorial thoughts to Four Winds Farm legend Bruce, the French Bulldog, a perennial contender at the North Central Florida Dog Drinking Race. In 2014 he retired the trophy, winning in a close race by three laps!