Category Archives: qotm archives

Past Questions of the Month are listed below in chronological order.  Just click on the Question to pull up Bill’s Answers.

Should I take a lesson every time I ride?

BILL– Other than a few exceptions noted below, the answer is a resounding no! Back in the day when we had a live-in working student, I found that three lessons a week worked pretty well. It was okay if during another day or two, they were semi-supervised, but all riders need time to figure things out on their own, to experiment, to learn how to screw up, notice the problem, and engineer a fix for it. You can’t do this if you are never allowed to take a step on your own. Read More

How deep in the corners should I ride?

BILL– The answer to this question hinges on a couple of factors. First of all—how deep into a corner can you ride? If you ride a deep corner that causes your horse to lose the bend, to stiffen, to hollow, or to shorten his stride, then you shouldn’t ride that deeply. A more shallow corner that lets you maintain all those qualities is always better than a deep one which doesn’t work. Read More

How light is too light

So…to me Ollie feels great working higher, more adjustability, shoulders and haunches more flexible or at my service. My question is, he is very light in bridle but seems to be doing what I ask. Should I be concerned he is not taking enough contact or not pushing into my hands? At times I feel him more but then when I bump him up off the bottom of my rein he really lightens…I think this is good. Kathy, IL Read More

Collectives which don’t add up

I have no problem with what the judge did here. The Collectives, which used to be called the General Impressions, are just that. They sum up the ride in three numbers (leaving out the rider score for the moment). When a student brings a test sheet back to her instructor, “6-7-7” conjures up a very particular image. (I’m guessing that rider score would be fairly high also.) Here, the judge is saying the horse may not be the best mover, but he’s being presented in a way that amplifies whatever natural talent he has. Collectives which read “7-6-5” call to mind a decent mover showing signs of tension or acceptance issues. The 6 for Impulsion is probably related to the lack of swing in his back or lack of suppleness—both qualities you find in the fine print in the Impulsion block. Read More