She comes in colors

 (” I find the whole dance to be incredibly stupid.”)    So I have a major complaint about the new dress code rules which came into effect early this year. My problem is that they are immensely complicated and subject to a wide variety of interpretation. Furthermore, if they are violated the rules call for the judge to make a mandatory elimination of the rider. If the judge gets it wrong, he or she is subject to a penalty from the USEF.

At assorted recognized shows recently there have been multiple occasions where everything has stopped while the judge and technical delegate try to determine if the dress (or saddle pad) rules are being violated. It is a special concern because if the judge lets a borderline case pass, and later at the Regionals the rider is eliminated for the same in fraction/non-infraction, there will be hell to pay!

I have my own (old person) opinion about some of the outlandish outfits  people have been showing up in lately as they try to push the boundaries of what is acceptable, but for now let’s leave that aside. Legal or not legal,  I find this whole dance to be incredibly stupid and distracting! You would think the riders would rather have us concentrate on their horses and the performance of the test rather than parsing out penalties for stripes that are too wide or multi colors when only one is allowed. It’s not supposed to be a fashion show for chrissakes. Get a grip and think of the riding!

Veddy intereschting but schtupid!